All events take place at All Saints, Pembroke Road, Bristol BS8 3ED.
Parking: there is a multi-storey car park at Clifton Down, near the top right corner of the map above. The car park entrance is on Alma Road. There is also parking on the streets near the church.
Bus No. 8 stops on Pembroke Road near All Saints; the stop is named Alma Vale. It connects with the city centre and Temple Meads station. It takes roughly half an hour from Temple Meads, longer in heavy traffic. To return to the centre or Temple Meads, use the same bus stop.
Other buses go directly to the city centre from Whiteladies Road, which is the main road at the right-hand side of the map above.
Trains from Temple Meads station to Avonmouth or Severn Beach stop at Clifton Down (near top right of the map), the journey takes about 15 minutes. To walk from there to All Saints takes 10 minutes or less.
Walking from Clifton Down station: there is a ramp up from Platform 1; turn left at the top, this takes you into a car park. Turn left again and walk through the car park to St. John's Road, where you turn left. Then take the first turning to the right, All Saints Road. At the end of the road, turn left and you will see the church.
Tea and coffee will be available to purchase at the Church on Saturday and Sunday and there will be an interval bar for the evening concerts. There is a pub and café in Alma Vale Road which runs alongside All Saints. More cafes, shops and a supermarket are available in Clifton Down Shopping Centre and on Whiteladies Road. To reach this walk down Alma Vale Road, at the crossroads turn left into St. John's Rd, and just after the railway bridge turn right and walk through the car park to the main road. It is a 10 minute walk. Festival goers are welcome to bring their own food to eat in the Church or the Church gardens (if weather permits).